Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:4Q 2013 Item#:B1024 Visbreaking is a thermal conversion process introduced in 1939, offers refineries an option to enhance residue conversion with moderate capital investment compared to alternative conversion processes.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:4Q 2012 Item#:B1009 Investigates the state-of-the-art technology and plant operations of a refinery gas plant to recover valuable light ends in the refining process. A discussion of the latest patents and research work on this topic is also included.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:2Q 2011 Item#:B1011 In the GTL section, the new products and topics covered include:
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:1Q 2011 Item#:B1016
In light of the MTBE phase-out in the US, the increased blending of low-RVP ethanol, and concerns surrounding the safety of acid-catalyzed alkylation processes, the production of isooctane via the dimerization and hydrogenation of isobutane has become an attractive option for a number of refiners to yield a high-octane, low-RVP gasoline blending component.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:1Q 2011 Item#:B1019 The refining industry—indeed, industry in general—has come to recognize reliability and safety as essential to profitability.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:3Q 2010 Item#:B1004 Coking is a major bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading process whose popularity has risen steadily in response to heavier crude supplies and the dwindling demand for residual fuel oils.
Solvent extraction and deasphalting processes�or solvent deasphalting (SDA) as it is commonly known�use hydrocarbons such as propane, butanes, pentanes, or a mixture of these to extract light, paraffinic components from heavy residue streams. Solvent deasphalting technology can be flexibly applied in a number of areas in the refinery and in upstream heavy oil upgrading applications.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:1Q 2007 Item#:B1010 Gasification technologies for refinery application are covered in this section of the Review. A look into state-of-the-art and emerging technologies is included. Additionally, this section touches on the application of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technology for refinery application to cogenerate refinery utilities.
Worldwide Refinery Processing Review (Individual Technology) Publication date:4Q 2005 Item#:B1020 The plant upgrades and revamps section discusses revamps of the entire refinery as well as those of specific units such as distillation towers, hydrotreaters, H2 plants, and visbreakers. It also summarizes the plant upgrading and revamping activity taking place around the world.